129 | Size: cm 6
Description and material: iron key, damaged handle, able to operate on one spring; Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
340 | Size: cm 8,6
Description and material: iron key, sliding type; simple handle and eyelet; for three spring lock for padlock Origin and epoch: Middle East; XVII century A.D.(?) |
358 | Size: cm 7,5
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet; able to operate on many springs; Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
361 | Size: cm 7
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
362 | Size: cm 14,7
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
372 | Size: cm 12,8
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet and ring; able to operate on one spring; Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
373 | Size: cm 11
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on one spring; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
384 | Size: cm 9,5
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
391 | Size: cm 8,4
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
393 | Size: cm 10
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on three springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet (?), about XIX century A.D. |
425 | Size: cm 3,8
Description and material: iron key, sliding type; simple handle and eyelet; for two spring lock for padlock Origin and epoch: Middle East; XVII century A.D. (?) |
450 | Size: cm 12,5
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
473 | Size: cm 7,5
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on many springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
482 | Size: cm 5
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet; able to operate on two springs Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
496 | Size: cm 6,3
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet; able to operate on many springs; Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
512 | Size: cm 11,9
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on one spring; handle with eyelet with geometric decorations Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
519 | Size: cm 8,8
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet; able to operate on many springs; Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
527 | Size: cm 16
Description and material: iron key, with handle simply decorated, with eyelet; for helicoid type locks Origin and epoch: India, about XIX century A.D. |
530 | Size: cm 5,5
Description and material: bronze key; unusual shaped handle, with eyelet; able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
535 | Size: cm 9,2
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet; with guide sidebar Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
545 | Size: cm 5,5
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on four springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
548 | Size: cm 7,2
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on three springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
556 | Size: cm 10,7
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on three springs; shaped handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
562 | Size: cm 5,8
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; shaped handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
565 | Size: cm 11,5
Description and material: iron key; long handle, with eyelet; able to operate on three springs Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
569 | Size: cm 7,5
Description and material: iron key, shaped handle with eyelet; for insert and shift type locks Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
626 | Size: cm 9,9
Description and material: iron key, shaped handle with eyelet; for inserts and shift type locks, able to operate on three springs Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
658 | Size: cm 3,2
Description and material: bronze key; shaped handle, with eyelet and two ring; able to operate on one springs Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
668 | Size: cm 5,2
Description and material: iron key, shaped handle with eyelet; able to operate on two springs Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
684 | Size: cm 11,8
Description and material: iron key, shaped handle with eyelet; able to operate on five springs Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
686 | Size: cm 7
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet and ring, now blocked by rust Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
699 | Size: cm 10,5
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on many springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
777 | Size: cm 16
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet; sliding type, able to operate on four springs; Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
782 | Size: cm 6
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on four springs; handle without eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
812 | Size: cm 12,8
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet and ring; able to operate on two springs Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
813 | Size: cm 5,2
Description and material: bronze key, sliding type; simple handle and eyelet; for many springs lock Origin and epoch: Middle East; XVII century A.D. (?) |
893 | Size: cm 6
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
1047 | Size: cm 14,4
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
1088 | Size: cm 6,5
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
1096 | Size: cm 14
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on many springs; handle with eyelet and ring; bronze Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XIX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
1100 | Size: cm 8,2
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on many springs; handle with eyelet; iron Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XIX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
1101 | Size: cm 8,2
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on many springs; handle with eyelet; bronze Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XIX century A.D., before Chinese occupation |
1114 | Size: cm 11
Description and material: iron key, handle with open hook; able to operate on three springs Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
1115 | Size: cm 8,6
Description and material: iron key, sliding type; simple handle and eyelet; for two spring lock for padlock Origin and epoch: Middle East; XVII century A.D. (?) |
1116 | Size: cm 14
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
1119 | Size: cm 9
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet and ring; able to operate on three springs; Origin and epoch: India, about XIX century A.D. |
1121 | Size: cm 15
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet and ring; able to operate on two springs Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
1123 | Size: cm 10
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet; able to operate on two springs Origin and epoch: (India), about XIX century A.D. |
1125 | Size: cm 17,5
Description and material: rotary key for a padlock; handle with large eyelet; iron (?) Origin and epoch: India, probably Aligarh; second half XIX century A.D. |
1127 | Size: cm 9,2
Description and material: iron key, handle with eyelet, damaged, with a brass wire spiralled around the handle; able to operate on many springs; Origin and epoch: India, about XIX century A.D. |
1128 | Size: cm 7,2
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on many springs; handle with eyelet and ring; bronze Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XIX century A.D. before Chinese occupation |
1164 | Size: cm 11
Description and material: iron key, able to operate on two springs; handle with eyelet Origin and epoch: Tibet, about XIX century A.D. |
1165 | Size: cm 5,5
Description and material: iron key, with large handle, able to operate on one spring Origin and epoch: Tibet, second half XIX century A.D. |
1237 | Size: cm 7
Description and material: iron key, sliding type, handle with eyelet, able to operate on three springs; Origin and epoch: India, about XIX century A.D. |
1239 | Size: cm 4,8
Description and material: bronze key, sliding type; simple handle and eyelet; for two springs lock Origin and epoch: Middle East; XVII century A.D. (?) |
5201 | Size: cm 12
Description and material: iron key, quite damaged Origin and epoch: India (?), about XIX century A.D. Note: it is not possible to determine the corresponding lock type |